• 在家線上學,孩子停課不停學
日期 時間 課程 適用年級
一、二 三、四 五、六
4/13 10:30 詞彙超級單字:"bl"開頭的單字Super Words: 'bl' Words
15:30 入門孩子初學英文字母入門- RLearning How To Learn - R
18:30 動物王老先生有塊地: 馴鹿Farm animals - reindeer
19:30 手工美術和手作課程 - 俏皮的紙眼鏡Arts and Crafts: Funky Paper Eyeglasses
詞彙超級單字:"br"開頭的單字Super Words: 'br' Words
考試劍橋兒童英檢閱讀及舄作(初級): 是非題YLE Starters Reading & Writing—true or false
20:30 繪本故事角落 - 安弟搭飛機去法國Story Corner: Andy Airplane goes to France
4/14 10:30 詞彙超級單字:"cl"開頭的單字Super Words: 'cl' Words
15:30 入門孩子初學英文字母入門- SLearning How To Learn - S
18:30 故事精選繪本閱讀:小丑ZappaBT 877 - Zappa the Clown
19:30 繪本故事角落 - 瓢蟲和小鳥Story Corner - The Ladybird & The Bird
唱遊童歌帶動唱:Humpty DumptySing along: Humpty Dumpty
20:30 手工美術和手作課程 - 七彩飛機Arts and Crafts: How to Make a Craft Stick Airplane
詞彙超級單字:"cr"開頭的單字Super Words: 'cr' Words
4/15 10:30 詞彙超級單字:"dr"開頭的單字Super Words: 'dr' Words
15:30 入門孩子初學英文字母入門- TLearning How To Learn - T
18:30 入門孩子初學英文字母入門- ULearning How To Learn - U
19:30 手工美術和手作課程 - 圓滾滾的老鼠Arts and Crafts: How to Make a Cardboard Opossum
詞彙超級單字:"fl"開頭的單字Super Words: 'fl' Words
考試劍橋兒童英檢聽力(中級):配對YLE Movers Listening-matching
20:30 繪本故事角落 - 安弟飛機去印度Story Corner: Andy Airplane goes to India
4/16 10:30 詞彙超級單字:"fr"開頭的單字Super Words: 'fr' Words
15:30 入門孩子初學英文字母入門- VLearning How To Learn - V
18:30 動物王老先生有塊地: 綿羊Farm animals - sheep
19:30 繪本故事角落 - 貓咪與老鼠Story Corner - Cats & Mice
唱遊童歌帶動唱:Baa, Baa, Black SheepSing along: Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
20:30 手工美術和手作課程 - 恐龍造型氣球Arts and Crafts: Dinosaur Balloons
詞彙超級單字:"gl"開頭的單字Super Words: 'gl' Words
4/17 10:30 詞彙超級單字:"gr"開頭的單字Super Words: 'gr' Words
15:30 入門孩子初學英文字母入門- WLearning How To Learn - W
18:30 故事精選繪本閱讀:外帶怪物BT 1114 - Takeaway Monsters
19:30 手工美術和手作課程 - 可愛的鯨魚Arts and Crafts: Paper Plate Whale
詞彙超級單字:"pl"開頭的單字Super Words: 'pl' Words
考試劍橋兒童英檢聽力(高級):填色YLE Flyers Listening-coloring
20:30 繪本故事角落 - 追小雞Story Corner - Chasing Chicks
考試全民英檢GEPT初級閱讀文法篇: 詞彙練習5Basic GEPT Reading Series Grammar-Vocabulary Practice 5
4/18 08:30 詞彙超級單字:"pr"開頭的單字Super Words: 'pr' Words
09:30 繪本故事角落 - 熱心幫忙的好鄰居Story Corner - A Helpful Neighbor
10:30 自然神奇的動物:暴龍Amazing Animals: Tyrannosaurus Rex
考試劍橋兒童英檢閱讀及寫作(初級): Let's ReadYLE Starters Reading & Writing—let’s read
11:30 唱遊童歌帶動唱:Hey Diddle DiddleSing along: Hey Diddle Diddle
13:30 繪本故事角落 - 賀米的蟹殼Story Corner - Hermit's Shell
16:30 詞彙超級單字:"sl"開頭的單字Super Words: 'sl' Words
19:30 手工社交會話練習: 猴子與熊Arts and Crafts: Soda Bottle Jet Pack
詞彙超級單字:"sm"開頭的單字Super Words: 'sm' Words
自然神奇的動物:變色龍Amazing Animals: Chameleons
20:30 繪本故事角落 - 傑克的鹿角Story Corner - Jack's Antlers
唱遊童歌帶動唱:Hey Diddle DiddleSing along: Five Speckled Frogs
21:30 自然神奇的動物:蠑螈Amazing animals: Axolotl
4/19 08:30 繪本故事角落 - 青蛙的手錶Story Corner - Frogger's Wristwatch
自然神奇的動物:羊駝Amazing Animals: Alpaca
09:30 詞彙超級單字:"sn"開頭的單字Super Words: 'sn' Words
10:30 唱遊童歌帶動唱: I'm a Little TeapotSing along: I'm a Little Teapot
考試劍橋兒童英檢會話(初級): Where is the Object?YLE Starters Speaking—where is the object?
11:30 唱遊彩色魔法書 – 白色The Color: White
12:30 繪本故事角落 - 小貓的表姊Story Corner - Kitten Cousins
14:30 考試初級「寫作與文法」8How to get high score on beginner's GEPT - writing & grammar VI
15:30 詞彙超級單字:"sp"開頭的單字Super Words: 'sp' Words
19:30 繪本故事角落 - 安弟搭飛機去復活島Story Corner: Andy Airplane goes to the Easter Island
唱遊童歌帶動唱:Little Bo PeepSing along: Little Bo Peep
健康宣導增強抵抗力,從習慣養成開始Healthy Habits Make a Stronger You
20:30 詞彙超級單字:"st"開頭的單字Super Words: 'st' Words
自然神奇的動物:樹懶Amazing animals: sloth
4/20 10:30 詞彙超級單字:"str"開頭的單字Super Words: 'str' Words
15:30 入門孩子初學英文字母入門- XLearning How To Learn - X
18:30 動物王老先生有塊地: 驢Farm Animals - Mules
19:30 手工美術和手作課程 - 可愛的狐狸Arts and Crafts: Toilet Paper Roll Fox
詞彙超級單字:"tr"開頭的單字Super Words: 'tr' Words
考試劍橋兒童英檢會話(初級): What's this?YLE Starters Speaking—what’s this?
20:30 繪本故事角落 - Troy &和BennyStory Corner - Troy & Benny
4/21 10:30 詞彙超級單字:"bl"開頭的單字Super Words: 'bl' Words
15:30 入門孩子初學英文字母入門- YLearning How To Learn - Y
18:30 故事精選繪本閱讀:傑克和魔法豆BT 1390 - Jack and the Magic Beans
19:30 繪本故事角落 - 兔子兄弟Story Corner - The Bunny Brothers
唱遊童歌帶動唱: Cock a Doodle DooSing along: Cock a Doodle Doo
20:30 手工美術和手作課程 - 繽紛彩虹Arts and Crafts: Cute Paper Rainbow
詞彙超級單字:"br"開頭的單字Super Words: 'br' Words
4/22 10:30 詞彙超級單字:"cl"開頭的單字Super Words: 'cl' Words
15:30 入門孩子初學英文字母入門- ZLearning How To Learn - Z
18:30 入門初階英語入門班Learning How To Learn - What's Your Name?
19:30 健康宣導繞開病毒——公共交通乘坐貼士How to Stay Healthy When Taking Public Transportations
詞彙超級單字:"cr"開頭的單字Super Words: 'cr' Words
考試"劍橋兒童英檢聽力(中級):勾選正確的選項"YLE Movers Listening-ticking boxes
20:30 繪本故事角落 - Pepper的藍起司Story Corner - Pepper’s Blue Cheese
4/23 10:30 詞彙超級單字:"dr"開頭的單字Super Words: 'dr' Words
15:30 入門初階英語入門班Learning How To Learn - It's Your Turn!
18:30 動物王老先生有塊地:乳牛Farm animal - cows
19:30 繪本故事角落 - 感到反胃Story Corner - Feeling Queasy
唱遊童歌帶動唱:Here we go Round the Mulberry BushSing along: Here we go Round the Mulberry Bush
20:30 手工美術和手作課程 - 紙飛機Arts and Crafts: Paper Airplane
詞彙超級單字:"fl"開頭的單字Super Words: 'fl' Words
4/24 10:30 詞彙超級單字:"fr"開頭的單字Super Words: 'fr' Words
15:30 入門孩子初學英文字母入門- ALearning How To Learn - A
18:30 故事精選繪本閱讀:泰迪熊的數學BT 1927 - Teddy Bear Math
19:30 手工美術和手作課程 - 紙藝Arts and Crafts: Paper crafts
詞彙超級單字:"gl"開頭的單字Super Words: 'gl' Words
考試劍橋兒童英檢聽力(高級):填空YLE Flyers Listening—filling the blanks
20:30 繪本故事角落 - 飢餓的國王Story Corner - Hungry King Hopper
考試全民英檢GEPT初級閱讀文法篇: 詞彙練習6Basic GEPT Reading Series Grammar-Vocabulary Practice 6
4/25 08:30 詞彙超級單字:"gr"開頭的單字Super Words: 'gr' Words
09:30 繪本故事角落 - 超級兄妹大逃脫!Story Corner: Super Sibs are Trapped
10:30 自然神奇的動物: 指猴Amazing animals: aye aye
考試劍橋兒童英檢會話(初級): About YouYLE Starters Speaking—About You
11:30 唱遊童歌帶動唱:Doctor FosterSing along: Doctor Foster
13:30 繪本故事角落 - 超級兄妹變成壞人了?Story Corner: Super Sibs are Villains?
16:30 詞彙超級單字:"pl"開頭的單字Super Words: 'pl' Words
19:30 手工美術和手作課程 - 剪紙Arts and Crafts – Paper Cutting
詞彙超級單字:"pr"開頭的單字Super Words: 'pr' Words
健康宣導拒絕交叉感染,從瞭解動物做起Say No to Virus Carrying Animals
自然神奇的動物:鹿豚Amazing animals: Babirusa
20:30 繪本故事角落 - 安弟搭飛機去加拉帕戈斯群島Story Corner: Andy Airplane goes to the Galapagos Islands
唱遊童歌帶動唱:BingoSing along: Bingo
21:30 自然神奇的動物:狐獴Amazing Animals: Meerkats
4/26 08:30 繪本故事角落 - 愛吃的企鵝Story Corner - Plump Penguin
自然神奇的動物:狼Amazing Animals: Wolves
09:30 詞彙超級單字:"sl"開頭的單字Super Words: 'sl' Words
10:30 唱遊童歌帶動唱:One Two Three Four Five, Once I Caught a Fish AliveSing along: One Two Three Four Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive
考試劍橋兒童英檢會話(初級): Please Put it ThereYLE Starters Speaking—Please Put it There
11:30 唱遊彩色魔法書 – 粉色The Color: Pink
12:30 繪本故事角落 - 壞心的蜜蜂Story Corner - Bad, Bad Bee
14:30 考試初級「寫作與文法」9How to get high score on beginner's GEPT - writing & grammar VII
15:30 詞彙超級單字:"sm"開頭的單字Super Words: 'sm' Words
19:30 繪本故事角落 - 河馬和犀牛Story Corner - The Hippo & The Rhino
唱遊童歌帶動唱:Mary had a Little LambSing along: Mary had a Little Lamb
20:30 詞彙超級單字:"sn"開頭的單字Super Words: 'sn' Words
自然神奇的動物:耳廓狐-沙漠小狐Amazing Animals: Desert Foxes
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